Week 1
In week 1 we took a look at Rigging characters using Mayas built in HumanIK tool, and then applying Mocap data to this rig.
- First we import the mocap FBX file, this includes extra data like Camera position, which we can remove.
- Then we select the whole mesh (Select>Hierarchy) and select the rotations and set them to 0, then reselect the hips and rotated the character back to standing
- Then open HumanIK and create a character definition
- Here we can assign the bones to the HumanIK skeleton
- Once all bones are assigned a checkmark should appear, then we can click the lock button to save the skeleton.
- Then we import the character mesh
- Using the HumanIK tool select “Quick Rig Tool” in this tool we can go through step by step to create a rig and attach it to our mesh.
- Then we can apply the mocap data to the rig under the “Source:” tab in HumanIK
Character Planning
Transformers style F1 car? (probably minus the transforming)
Week 2 – Reintroduction to zBrush
Knife tool
Move Tool
Substance Painter
Week 3
In week 3 we were in the studio recording our mocap data. This involved Rushil getting into the mocap suit, which was then covered in reflective balls. These balls were placed around important areas to track, like joints.
- The Cameras mounted to the ceiling
- The Mocap suit
- The computer software
Assignment 1 Progress
I started off modelling my robot by making an initial blockout which I could use to test my mocap data on. Then I could go back and add more detail afterwards.
Initial Blockout
Mocap tests
Week 5 – Constraints & Pistons
In week 5 we learned about applying constraints to our rigs.
Further Mech Development
Substance Painter
After finishing my model I then UV’d it and brought it in to substance painter. As the aesthetic I was trying to achieve was “toy transformer” I used lots of the plastic smart materials to give it a worn plastic look. I then added the decals on with wear and tear to make them look like stickers that are peeling off.For my render I used a simple HDRI + a shadow catcher to allow my model to cast shadows.
Assignment 1 – Submission
Week 7 – Arm
Week 8 – Legs
Assignment 2
For Assignment 2 we are sculpting a creature in zBrush. I have decided to make a gorilla, similar to the character Winston from the game Overwatch.
Maya rigging and xgen hair