Week 1 – Title Sequnces
Catch me if you can (2002) has an abstract 2D style intro sequence
Lord of War (2005) has a 3D intro showing the life of a bullet
Starting out in After Effects
I got a bit carried away recreating the first 10 seconds or so of the Dr. No intro
Week 2 – Layers and Masks
Week 3 – Green Screen
Week 4 – Tracking Footage
Task 1 – single point track
A simple motion track on a single point of a video, which is then attached to a .png image of a label.
Task 2 – face tracking
A face track, done by first outlining the boys face with a mask, and then tracking using the “Face Tracking (Outline Only) option. A mosaic effect is then applied to the masked footage to achieve the blur.
Task 3 – 3d Track
Task 4 – Content-aware fill
task 5 – perspective corner pin
Week 5 – 3D Space
Week 6 – AOVs
Week 7 – Photogrammetry

Here is my video submission for A1, which is mostly a compilation of videos already on this page.
Week 10 – Dynamic Animation
Using BULLET in Maya to create dynamic physics-based animations.
A ball knocking down a wall of bricks, the ball is given an initial velocity, so it travels towards the wall of bricks.
An initial impulse is used to knock over the first domino, and the rest happens automatically.
Finally we tried a shatter, which I combined with the swinging wrecking ball.
Week 11 – Fluids
In Week 11 we were introduced into Maya Fluids, below I created a fire animation by changing the colour of the fluid depending on the temperature of the fluid.
Below is a short render of the fire.
Week 12 – Fluids Continued
Week 13 – nCloth & nParticle
This week we were introduced to the Nucleus system in Maya, which handles both cloth and particle simulation.
I tried recreating a tablecloth pull using the nCloth system, I had to turn the friction way down as the cloth would get caught up on the vase and end up pulling it off the table. The vase is also an nCloth object, with the concrete preset applied.
Here is a demonstration of the cloth and particle system working together. nConstraints are used to attach the cloth to the frame, and to define tearable points in the cloths surface.
Assignment 2
I decided to theme my assignment around dominos, as I enjoyed making the domino simulations in Bullet.
Bullet Simulations
Below are all the Bullet simulations I used in my final video.
I created this effect by using the “camera based” UV projection to project the image onto the dominos AFTER they fell.
Song: Radiohead – Spectre