rigging and creature FX

Week1 11/02/25

The first set of work I did was for a quick humanoid rig. I was given an FBX model for a skeleton and imported the file into MAYA. I had some issues with one of my versions so I used the 2023 version of the platform and luckily that solved some menu problems I had.

After importing the model I clicked the T pose icon in the top right of my workspace in Maya. I then clicked on the quick rig tool since I’m making something quick and easy for the skeleton to move. There are other options here which I’m sure I’ll be trying out.

The plus icon in the top right of the quick rig is what I used to select my skeleton mesh. Immediately Maya was able to process the data from the skeleton and build a quick rig for me.

I adjusted some of the points for a more accurate rig on the skeleton character, enabling it to move as if it had working limbs.

Under skeleton rig and generation I hit create/update.

I changed the skeleton setting to skeleton only and finally clicked create/update finishing my quick rig.

After successfully creating a rig for my skeleton I could now import a piece of already made animation that will be used as reference for a fun little dance at the end of the lesson. My skeleton will be able to copy the dance from the imported stick model.

I selected my animation character reference and went in to source and selected ‘Hierarchy’

I created a new character in my character controls tab for the new imported animation.

I struggled connecting the limbs of the character movement model I imported in, however I found the issue below.

I found out my animation wouldn’t work on the skeleton because I didn’t have the reference in a T pose. I didn’t know how important it is for the model to be in this position when referencing to the character controls.

After successfully choosing the correct limbs to the body network I could attach the body movement to the skeleton. Down below you may see that I have the skeleton character selected with my movement reference as my source for the skeleton.

I enjoyed doing these tasks. I know I haven’t done much with animation at all however I think I will enjoy these future lessons and I really want to push myself and put more effort in to these future modules as I struggled with the Houdini module which I finished a month ago.
The lesson wasn’t hard to follow at all and the controls and inputs were simple enough to use. I’m looking forward to potentially creating my own characters and creating cool movements.

Homework build a Robot in Maya#