A variety of materials can be made with different textures which can be downloaded from the Unreal Engine marketplace or from a site online. Pre-set textures and materials can also be tweaked.
Changing the setting of pre-set materials;
Each light is suitable for different uses. It seems directional light is the most standard use of lighting, whereas spotlight would be most likely used for an interior. I experiment with different lights – mainly directional light; I used lights on different textures and I have payed around with the intensity and colours of the lights.
Advanced Materials:
Advanced Blueprints:
Landscape – Interior & Exterior: Fantasy Medieval Castle
Inspired by Barbie Royal Palace and the Frozen castle. So I set the colour-scheme as purple and made the weather snowy. Castle from Infinity Blade: Castle on the Unreal Engine marketplace. I changed the colour of the sky and the fog and set the sky to night.
Foliage pebbles and water for the lake.Stone, pillar and statue in the middle of the lake. Bridge to add to the barracks.
Barracks at the back of the castle. Library Interior
Library exteriorWell at the front of the castle Well and rocks Lighting