Week One
Shortcuts for Nuke:
- D: Disable/Enable a node
- A: Auto-arrange nodes
- Shift + X: Swap input connections
- Viewer Controls
- 1, 2, 3, … 9: Connect viewer to node (corresponding to number pressed)
- F: Fit the image to the viewer
- H: Home (reset viewer position)
- R: Reset viewer to 1:1 zoom
- Arrow keys: Pan the viewer
- Playback Controls
- L: Play forward
- J: Play backward
- K: Stop
- Left Arrow/Right Arrow: Step backward/forward by one frame
- Alt + Left Arrow/Right Arrow (Option on Mac): Step backward/forward by 10 frames
- M: Merge node
- G: Grade node
- R: Read node
- T: Transform node
- S: Shuffle node
- K: Keyer node
- Shift + Click + Drag: Move node in node graph
- S: Open project settings
- Shift + Scroll Wheel: Adjust gamma
Press V for view
Press the image and then a number to connect it to the view. Eg. press the colourwheel and then press one so it will connect to the view node.
Week Three
Week Four
Week Eight
Week Nine
Week Ten
Group {
name PxF_ScreenClean
help “Clean chroma key background imperfections using a clean plate.”
tile_color 0x733520ff
addUserKnob {20 PxF_ScreenClean}
addUserKnob {4 screen_type l ScreenType t “The color of the chroma key background.” M {Red Green Blue “” “” “”}}
screen_type Green
addUserKnob {18 screen_color l ScreenColor t “The color that will be used to repair the chroma key background (usually the average color of the greenscreen on the plate).\n\nWhen using the color picker, use Ctrl+Alt+Shift to avoid looping values.”}
screen_color {0.85 0.1 0.85}
addUserKnob {6 screen_color_panelDropped l “panel dropped state” -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {7 mix t “Dissolve between the original (0) and the full effect (1).”}
mix 1
addUserKnob {26 “”}
addUserKnob {26 Credits l “” t “PxF_ScreenClean 2.0.5 – © 2012-2023 – Xavier Bourque – pixelfudger.com \n\nPixelfudger gizmos are free to use for personal and commercial use as long as you leave the credit text intact in the gizmo’s knobs and in the source files. ” +STARTLINE T “<font size=2>PxF_ScreenClean 2.0.5 – © 2012-2023 – </font><a href=\”http://www.xavierbourque.com\”><font color=\”#bbbbbb\” size=2>Xavier Bourque</a></font> – <a href=\”http://www.pixelfudger.com\”><font color=\”#bbbbbb\” size=2>pixelfudger.com</a></font> – <a href=\”http://www.pixelfudger.com/userguides/PxF_ScreenClean.html\”><font color=\”#bbbbbb\” size=2>Video Tutorial</a></font>”}
Input {
inputs 0
name mask
xpos 419
ypos 274
number 2
Input {
inputs 0
name plate
xpos 203
ypos -448
Dot {
name Dot1
xpos 209
ypos -347
set N6ece3800 [stack 0]
Dot {
name Dot2
xpos -64
ypos -202
Dot {
name Dot3
xpos -57
ypos 214
set N6ef00000 [stack 0]
push $N6ef00000
push $N6ece3800
Shuffle {
red blue
green blue
alpha black
name Blue
xpos 203
ypos -187
set N6ef00400 [stack 0]
push $N6ece3800
Shuffle {
red green
blue green
alpha black
name Green
xpos 112
ypos -179
set N6ef00800 [stack 0]
push $N6ece3800
Shuffle {
green red
blue red
alpha black
name Red
xpos 17
ypos -180
set N6ef00c00 [stack 0]
Switch {
inputs 3
which {{screen_type i x1 0}}
name High
xpos 17
ypos -99
push $N6ef00800
push $N6ef00c00
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{“screen_type == 0 ? 1 : screen_type == 1 ? 0 : 0” i x1 0}}
name LowA
xpos 145
ypos -108
push $N6ef00400
push $N6ef00800
push 0
Switch {
inputs 3
which {{“screen_type == 0 ? 2 : screen_type == 1 ? 2 : 1” i x1 1}}
name LowB
xpos 261
ypos -107
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation max
name Merge1
xpos 217
ypos -59
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation minus
name Merge2
xpos 116
ypos -20
Input {
inputs 0
name clean_plate
xpos 462
ypos -437
number 1
Dot {
name Dot4
xpos 530
ypos -235
set N6ef2e800 [stack 0]
Shuffle {
red blue
green blue
alpha black
name Blue1
xpos 570
ypos -194
set N6ef2ec00 [stack 0]
push $N6ef2e800
Shuffle {
red green
blue green
alpha black
name Green1
xpos 481
ypos -195
set N6ef2f000 [stack 0]
push $N6ef2e800
Shuffle {
green red
blue red
alpha black
name Red1
xpos 382
ypos -194
set N6ef2f400 [stack 0]
Switch {
inputs 3
which {{screen_type i x1 0}}
name High1
xpos 401
ypos -130
push $N6ef2f000
push $N6ef2f400
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{“screen_type == 0 ? 1 : screen_type == 1 ? 0 : 0” i}}
name LowA1
xpos 498
ypos -131
push $N6ef2ec00
push $N6ef2f000
push 0
Switch {
inputs 3
which {{“screen_type == 0 ? 2 : screen_type == 1 ? 2 : 1” i}}
name LowB1
xpos 592
ypos -128
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation max
name Merge3
xpos 532
ypos -73
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation minus
name Merge4
xpos 429
ypos -19
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation divide
name Merge5
xpos 309
ypos 87
Clamp {
name Clamp1
xpos 309
ypos 114
push $N6ef2e800
Dot {
name Dot5
xpos 720
ypos -198
push $N6ece3800
Dot {
name Dot7
xpos 845
ypos -231
ColorCorrect {
gain 0
offset {{screen_color.r i} {screen_color.g i} {screen_color.b i} {1 i}}
name ColorCorrect1
xpos 817
ypos -159
postage_stamp true
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation minus
name Merge6
xpos 692
ypos -24
Dot {
name Dot6
xpos 688
ypos 165
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation multiply
name Merge7
xpos 309
ypos 166
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation minus
name Merge8
xpos 309
ypos 215
Keymix {
inputs 3
invertMask true
bbox B
name Keymix1
xpos 309
ypos 299
disable {{“\[exists parent.input2] ? 0 : 1” i x1 0}}
push $N6ef00000
Dissolve {
inputs 2
which {{parent.mix}}
name Dissolve1
selected true
xpos 309
ypos 403
Output {
name Output1
xpos 309
ypos 503