Investigative Study (Practical Research)

Practical Research

The Impact of Procedural Content Generation in Unreal Engine on Computer Generated Landscapes is the practical research topic I have selected for my essay. I have encountered numerous issues with large files and time-consuming procedures while working with the Unreal Engine environment. Therefore, to examine in greater detail and observe the significant revolutionary shift that Procedural Content Generation in Unreal Engine has brought to filmmaking in terms of creating enormous landscapes that appear incredibly lifelike.

Using the unreal engine, I’m attempting to learn more about how the PCG operates and how fast it can produce enormous, incredibly lifelike 3D landscapes.


I started by making a simple landscape and using a material that I purchased from Fab.

Landscape Material from Fab

Created Basic Landscape


Creating PCG Graph

I made a PCG graphic and then dropped it on the view port.

PCG Graph

PCG Box in the Level


Fab asset downloads

Fab Asset

Fab Asset

Fab Asset


PCG Process

Landscape Node

Press D for Debugging

Pipeline of node for PCG

Adding Static Mesh

Decreasing the points to add trees

Adding Tree Points

Tree Static Mesh


Essay Images

PCG Framework Plugin

Set Project File

Importing Height Map

Height Map

Flatten Spikes

Base Texture

PCG Menu

PCG Graph


PCG Forest Graph

Get Landscape Data Node

Surface Sampler Node


Points Data

Static Mesh Spawner Node

Adding Static Mesh

Landscape Pro 2.0 Megascans

Adding more Static Meshes


Transform Points Node

Modifying Surface Sampler Node

Natural Looking Trees

Two PCG Branch



Scaling the PCG Graph

Trees on the Mountain

River and divided graph in three Location

Adjusting Lighting

Final Image.


– Final PCG Forest Environment