Discussion of Favorite title sequence
Introduction to After Effects
Simply learn the fundamentals of After Effects to understand how it can be used as an alternative in post production by creating 007 animation.
Added some keyframes to size and position of the picture oo7
Work flow of the first try in After effects.
My final render using the basic skills set.
James Bond Title Sequence
Alphas and Transparnecy, and Masking
In this session, we will learn how to use Alphas and Transparency, as well as Masking the layers, to create compositions.
Green Screen
It was our first time filming in a green screen studio. We learn a lot about how the camera works and how to shoot in order to obtain the best lighting and outcome. We shot some pretty nice footage that we later edited in after effects to seem like old James Bond movie titles.
Final Composition
As I had never used after effects before, the results are really impressive, but this exercise provided a thorough grasp of the software and how it is supposed to be done.
In this session, we will learn about several types of tracking and how we can perform them in simple manners.
Face Tracking
3D Environment
Clean Up
In this session, I learn how to make a 3D composition in After Effects. It was quite complicated, but it was also useful if you were unable to use heavy software for 3D work.
Render Passes, AOVs and EXR export
This course was beneficial in learning how to composite your renderings in After Effects.
WEEK 7 & 8
Introduction to Photogrammetry
This was extremely important for me to understand the process of Photoscanning as a VFX artist. In this session, we start by photographing objects in circular motion from top to bottom using the Foldio portable studio. We set everything up and took 24 pictures in three rounds from top to bottom. We later imported that data into Agisoft Metashape and converted the pitcures into a testurel, but the process does not finish there. Because it was just a texture, we needed to bring it into May and apply it to a basic model before doing UV.
Introduction to Dynamic animation
This week’s session was interesting since we started producing animations in Maya. To do so, we first learned how BULLET work and how they can be utilised to create great animations with physics. We created a small Domino effect for that, which let me practice bullets and generate motion.
The first trial was simply to create BASIC DOMINO EFFECTS.
After that, we went on to a more difficult challenge in which we built a Jenga tower with a heavy metal ball attached to a chain. The idea was to swing the ball and destroy the Jenga Tower, but in order to do so, we needed to build a BULLET for the swing as well as for the tower so that the ball did not pass through it when it hit. After putting everything together, we came up with this animation.
WEEK 11 &12
Maya Fluids – Introduction to smoke and fire simulation
This week, we moved on to another aspect of animation, learning about MAYA FLUIDS and experimenting with smoke simulations in both 2D and 3D.
Assignment 02
Bond Sequence
Final Video