Week 1: Nuke 3d and Camera Projection
To switch between 2d and 3d we can use tab. To switch from 2d to 3d we have a shortcut “V”.
Tunnel Camera Projection:
CELL Cam Projections
Week 2: Nuke 3D Tracking
This idea behind this software (MAYA) is to turn the live backplate footage into a 3d environment (e.g. a Maya file with a camera moving through a scene).
For Example Creating 3d space from 2d image/video using camera tracker and generating point clouds in second image
Week 3- 3D Equalizer
3DEqualizer4. 3DEqualizer4 is an industry leading software solution for 3D tracking live action footage with digital VFX assets. An essential tool for VFX professionals over the past two decades, it marks the cornerstone of modern post production
1. Import Image Sequence.
by double clicking the yellow sequence below camera
2. We will Start setting up Shortcuts.
Cntrl click to bring the tracker
Then Press G
Then Press T to Track
Then to unselect/deselect the marker/tracker press Alt and tap anywere
If want to go backward press R to flip and E for Key frame
Week 4- Lenses and Cameras
3DEqualizer4. 3DEqualizer4 is an industry leading software solution for 3D tracking live action footage with digital VFX assets. An essential tool for VFX professionals over the past two decades, it marks the cornerstone of modern post production
This idea behind this software (MAYA) is to turn the live backplate footage into a 3d environment (e.g. a Maya file with a camera moving through a scene).
For Example Creating 3d space from 2d image/video using camera tracker and generating point clouds in second image.
Week 5: 3de Freeflow and Nuke
Week 6: Surveys
Week 7: Filming – Studio 2-5pm
Week 8: Lens Distortion and Grids
Assignment 1
Firstly, import the image sequence, import buffer compression, set focal length using survey data. FPS (25)
Then Track the image sequence minimum 40 tracks.
Set, camera Constrain (Choose between freemove and constrain) so here camera is freemove so change it to no constrain.
Change Lens Distortion Model To 3DE Classic LD Model.
Then do parameter Adjustment just by keeping Focal Length And Change Method to Brute Force and press Adjust.
See in the deviation browser the value 0.3013.
In Lens setting, turn on the distortion and quartic Distortion under Lens Distortion.
Again open the Parameter Adjustment now delete focal length and keep both distortions and change method to Adaptive(by pressing Adaptive all).
now press Alt+C to update so value changes to 0.2631 from 0.3013.
In 3d Oriantation, go to view < Show imageplane< None.
Select three points on the ground then in 3d oriantation < edit<Align 3 points to XZ Plane.
Select one points on the ground then in 3d orientation < edit<move 1 points to Origin.
Then Create Locators ( 3d orientation < Create< Locators)
To scale ( 3d orientation < Geo< Scale down or up locators)
Now to bring Locators ( 3d orientation < 3d Model< create < Cube )
Bake the scene by going to edit< bake scene
Then Export Everything to nuke. Then import in nuke
I started with Shooting scene :
Then Converted Into Image Sequence In Nuke:
I Used Retime Node To Select perticular Time Frame for my final Work.
In Write node : changed frame to start at 1001.
I done some preprocessing
Then Open 3d Equilizer :
Import Image sequence and set Fps to 25.
Then In Lenses (fs4 14mm (23.6*13.3mm))
Lens Distortion model to 3DE Classic LD Model
Done Tracks up to 43 points and deviation value to 0.3191
Then after baking Export Everything from 3d Equalizer:
To Maya, Nuke, Undistort, Locators, (Maya Scrip .ml)
Create Overscan Footage for MAYA
Then open Maya import the maya script and use undistort image sequence:
Import megascans to scene:
Then Render the image sequence after matching the 3d scans and models to scene.
Then open nuke.
You can use 2 methods to redistort the image sequence.