Environmental FX

Week 1 The basics.

Why Houdini?
Interface Overview
node tree
Attribu1 The basics. Why Houdini?
Interface Overview
node tree

Week 1 : Project 01 – Cheese Hole.

Nodes Used and Its Explanation

  1. Scatter : This node distributes new points across the surface in a roughly uniform pattern and optionally attempts to limit clumping and holes.

  2. Copy to Points :This is very useful for populating scenes with repeated elements such as trees, buildings, or snowflakes with full control over the placement of the copies.

    Tip :- To simply create multiple copies of geometry without needing target points, use Duplicate.

    For example, you can arrange copies in a spherical shape by copying them onto the points of polygonal sphere. Or you could scatter points across a terrain geometry and copy trees onto the points.

  3. Boolean :This node can perform several different functions according to the Operation parameter.The common operations are:
    • Boolean operations (union, intersect, subtract) between two “solid” models:

    • Shattering a solid model using cutting surfaces:

      You can shatter with any number of complex cutting surfaces, allowing natural-looking, artistically controlled destruction.

    • Generating polylines along the seams where two models intersect.

    • Detecting intersections and putting intersecting polygons into groups.

    You can specify the input models as “solid” (treat the model surface as if it encloses a solid filled space) or “surface” (treat the model surfaces like flat planes).  Boolean (sidefx.com)

( Simon Houdini Script)

4. Polybavel : Creates straight, rounded, or custom fillets along edges and corners.

PolyBevel (sidefx.com)

5. Color: Adds color attributes to geometry.

The color (Cd) attribute affects the display of the wireframe, and of faces in non-VEX shaded mode. The default shader in mantra, and many other shaders, will also use the attribute for rendering.

Color (sidefx.com)


Week 1 : Project 02 –  LEGO  Piece 

SOPs (Surface OPerators)

-To differentiate the types of network, Houdini uses acronyms. For FLIP fluids, there are two relevant network types: SOP stands for Surface OPerator. Inside a SOP network you find everything that’s required for constructing and modifying geometry and volumes.)




Week 2

Week 2 : Project 01 –   Dominos Effect

Curve Node: Lets you interactively draw Bézier curves using tools similar to 2D illustration programs, as well as polylines and NURBS.

Curve (sidefx.com)


Box Node :

Week 2 : Project 02 –   Wall 
Screen Recording.
Week 2 : Project 03 –  domino_knockdown_multi_level

_____________________Week 3________________________
Week 3 : Project 01 – ducks on water

Screen Recording.

Week 3 : Project 02 –  Noodles Plate Simulation
Week 4
Week 4 : Project 01 –  Noodles Plate Simulation
Screen Recording .
Week 4 : Project 02- attribute transfer

Screen Recording .


Week 5 
Week 5 : Project 01 – Razor

Week 5 : Project 02 – Moon 


Week 6


Week 6 : Project 01 – Image Modelling 



Week 6 : Project 02 –  smoke_machine_start



Week 7

Week 7 : Project 01 –  height field and drone_disaster


Week 8

Week 8 : Project 01 –  Grass and Stompy_dinosaur_mud.

Week 9 : Project 01 –  Grass


Week 10 : Project 01 –  flamethrower


My Flamethrower Render.

Week 11 : Project 01 –  Blood drops

Week 11 : Project 02 –  Dolphin


Godzilla File and Texture :


