Week 1 The basics.
Why Houdini?
Interface Overview
node tree
Attribu1 The basics. Why Houdini?
Interface Overview
node tree
Week 1 : Project 01 – Cheese Hole.
Nodes Used and Its Explanation
Scatter : This node distributes new points across the surface in a roughly uniform pattern and optionally attempts to limit clumping and holes.
- Copy to Points :This is very useful for populating scenes with repeated elements such as trees, buildings, or snowflakes with full control over the placement of the copies.
Tip :- To simply create multiple copies of geometry without needing target points, use Duplicate.
For example, you can arrange copies in a spherical shape by copying them onto the points of polygonal sphere. Or you could scatter points across a terrain geometry and copy trees onto the points.
- Boolean :This node can perform several different functions according to the Operation parameter.The common operations are:
Boolean operations (union, intersect, subtract) between two “solid” models:
Shattering a solid model using cutting surfaces:
You can shatter with any number of complex cutting surfaces, allowing natural-looking, artistically controlled destruction.
Generating polylines along the seams where two models intersect.
Detecting intersections and putting intersecting polygons into groups.
You can specify the input models as “solid” (treat the model surface as if it encloses a solid filled space) or “surface” (treat the model surfaces like flat planes). Boolean (sidefx.com)
4. Polybavel : Creates straight, rounded, or custom fillets along edges and corners.
5. Color: Adds color attributes to geometry.
The color (Cd
) attribute affects the display of the wireframe, and of faces in non-VEX shaded mode. The default shader in mantra, and many other shaders, will also use the attribute for rendering.
Week 1 : Project 02 – LEGO Piece
SOPs (Surface OPerators)
-To differentiate the types of network, Houdini uses acronyms. For FLIP fluids, there are two relevant network types: SOP stands for Surface OPerator. Inside a SOP network you find everything that’s required for constructing and modifying geometry and volumes.)
Week 2
Week 2 : Project 01 – Dominos Effect
Curve Node: Lets you interactively draw Bézier curves using tools similar to 2D illustration programs, as well as polylines and NURBS.
Box Node :
Screen Recording.
Week 4
Screen Recording .
Week 5
Week 5 : Project 02 – Moon
Week 6
Week 6 : Project 01 – Image Modelling
Week 6 : Project 02 – smoke_machine_start
Week 7
Week 7 : Project 01 – height field and drone_disaster
Week 8
Week 8 : Project 01 – Grass and Stompy_dinosaur_mud.
Week 9 : Project 01 – Grass
Week 10 : Project 01 – flamethrower
My Flamethrower Render.
Week 11 : Project 01 – Blood drops
Week 11 : Project 02 – Dolphin
Godzilla File and Texture :