Author Sophia Hutchinson (Academic Developer in Learning Technology)

Staff View: Turnitin App for marking

Pete Cook is a Lecturer in Jazz for the London College of Music at UWL. Listen to why Pete uses the Turnitin app for marking…  

Using Poll Everywhere for Peer Instruction

In this coffee break TIPs we looked at how we could use the university’s in class polling tool Poll Everywhere in the use of peer instruction as an alternative form of pedagogy. Peer Instruction is an interactive teaching method, made popular by… Continue Reading →

Twitter: the basics

Last week INSTIL held two Coffee Break TIPs sessions, one at Paragon and one at St Mary’s Road. It was inspiring to see how staff are currently using Twitter and how they were so eager to share this with their… Continue Reading →

UWL Apps for Education

Coffee Break TIPS last week focused on UWL apps for education. Initially we looked at the apps that were available and then went through how to use them and their benefits. Many attendees who have used BB mobile learn said… Continue Reading →

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