Category In the classroom

3 ways to use Poll Everywhere to support learning

It was a lively start to the new series of Coffee Break TIPs.  We discussed practical ways to use Poll Everywhere to get students thinking in the classroom and to give feedback to the lecturer. Poll Everywhere is the University’s… Continue Reading →

Using Poll Everywhere for Peer Instruction

In this coffee break TIPs we looked at how we could use the university’s in class polling tool Poll Everywhere in the use of peer instruction as an alternative form of pedagogy. Peer Instruction is an interactive teaching method, made popular by… Continue Reading →

Flipped classroom

Today we met for Coffee Break TIPs to discuss the flipped classroom. After a slight double-booking related hiccup (apologies to anyone who didn’t manage to find us!), we had a productive discussion about the philosophy behind and methods used in the… Continue Reading →

Giving all students a voice with questions and surveys

This was a really inspiring and interesting session where colleagues shared two very different uses of Poll Everywhere which have brought benefits for teachers and students in the London School of Film, Media and Design, and the London College of… Continue Reading →

Classroom engagement with Poll Everywhere

Today we had an interactive session about using the classroom voting app Poll Everywhere to increase student engagement and two-way feedback in lectures. At UWL, Poll Everywhere is available for all staff and students to present questions in the classroom… Continue Reading →

UWL Apps for Education

Coffee Break TIPS last week focused on UWL apps for education. Initially we looked at the apps that were available and then went through how to use them and their benefits. Many attendees who have used BB mobile learn said… Continue Reading →

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