Category Digital literacy

Hashtags, mentions & raising your profile

The week’s topic was Twitter and in both sessions – at Paragon on Wednesday & in Heart today – we discussed hashtags and how Twitter can be used to raise your own or your department’s profile. Hashtags are a way… Continue Reading →

Creating audio and screen recordings

In this session we focused on the use of Panopto for recording and publishing video (or audio) recordings. We also touched on apps for recording your screen on your mobile. We were joined by staff from the School of Computing and… Continue Reading →

Using twitter to promote a project

Yesterday’s coffee break tips was about how to use Twitter for Learning, Teaching and Research. There’s lots of interesting stuff we could have talked about, how twitter is used in the classroom, or how it can be used to study… Continue Reading →

Twitter: the basics

Last week INSTIL held two Coffee Break TIPs sessions, one at Paragon and one at St Mary’s Road. It was inspiring to see how staff are currently using Twitter and how they were so eager to share this with their… Continue Reading →

Marking with an iPad

Today we looked at the practical tips of marking with an iPad. We were joined by our colleagues Marcia Worrell and Janet Goddard from the School of Human and Social Sciences, and Catherine Lynch from College of Nursing, Midwifery and… Continue Reading →

Managing your references

In today’s Coffee Break TIP session we had an involved and interactive discussion, which focused on the use of support tools for referencing. Susan McGlamery, Academic Support Librarian for the School of Law and Criminology, led the discussion by giving an… Continue Reading →

Creating video lectures (talking to camera) and ideas for use

Today we looked at creating video lectures and ideas for their use. We were joined by Tricia Tikasingh, senior lecturer in the School of Human and Social Sciences, who has used video in the BSc Nutritional Therapy.  Over coffee and biscuits,… Continue Reading →

Free-to-use digital teaching materials

A very productive meeting! We talked about various types of open online resources: from where to find them to how to make sure we are not in breach of copyright when using online images and resources. Joe Turi (INSTIL) kindly… Continue Reading →

UWL Apps for Education

Coffee Break TIPS last week focused on UWL apps for education. Initially we looked at the apps that were available and then went through how to use them and their benefits. Many attendees who have used BB mobile learn said… Continue Reading →

Taking control of communicating with students

Today we met for our first Coffee break TIPs discussion; 30 minutes of sharing ways to ensure our students get our essential messages, and how we manage their queries. Nick Pearce (Senior Lecturer, Integrated Foundation Provision) described how he uses… Continue Reading →

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