Each semester the University asks all students to complete the Module Evaluation Survey (MES).  All modules are evaluated either online or in class by the module tutor.

These opportunities allow students a voice in feeding back and feeding forward what changes they would like. A key part of this cycle is hearing from their module leader how feedback will be acted upon.

The information collected from the MES is vital as there are often direct correlations and indicators between MES and NSS results. The MES data will also support the TEF and APP portfolios.

Key dates for module evaluations are indicated below and are also circulated by Heads of School to module leaders. Be sure to build into your schedule a class session when you will undertake the MES with your students.



MES Schedule and key dates for Semester 2

Teaching Week 8 Pre-survey campaign from Academic Schools & Communications Department
Teaching Week 9

Surveys go live

MES goes live on Monday morning (9am) of Week 9;
The enrolled students will each receive an email in their UWL mailbox for each module for which they are to be surveyed;
HoS or Head of Subject should remind their teaching teams regarding the designated MES slots, so students can complete the survey online or in class

Teaching Week 10 Surveys close
MES and closes on Sunday evening (11:59pm) of Week 10
Teaching Week 11 EvaSys reports are available to access via MES email account for each Academic School;
HoS must circulate the reports to the MLs by the end of Week 11;
MLs must review EvaSys reports and produce a summary and response, to the feedback received, which will be confirmed by the School Exec before posting on BB
Teaching Week 12 MES Data analysis will be available to access via Strategic Planning
Teaching Week 13 – 15 MES outcomes and actions to be made available to the Schools committee meeting(s), School Boards and to the Student
Experience Group




Five key documents:

1. Module Evaluation Survey (MES)

  • This ops manual has been developed to provide guidance for Heads of Schools (HoS) and Subjects, and Module Leaders (MLs) to perform their functions correctly and effectively in order to ensure the smooth delivery of the Module Evaluation Survey (MES).  It will reduce misunderstandings and inform everyone precisely what they need to do, who they are responsible to and for whom they are responsible.

2. The introductory video (video is attached in this presentation)

  • This is the key video resource that introduces the MES to students

3. MES slide for teaching staff

  • Use this PPT slide displayed in class when students complete the survey. It contains the links to the UWL Student Union President video and the survey (https://uwl.surveys.evasysplus.co.uk).

4. Accessing MES Results

5. Module Evaluation Survey Feedback Guidance

  • Guidance on how to provide feedback to students following their completion of the MES



Essential links

  • MES quantitative results are published under the heading ‘Module Evaluation Analysis’ in Strategic Planning.




If you require further support, please contact ModuleEvaluation@uwl.ac.uk.

If your query relates to a technical issue, please make sure you quote your module reference number. For student access issues, please also quote the student ID.