Last updated: 22 June 2022.


The Centre for Enhancement in Learning Teaching (CELT) was renamed in April 2022 (from ExPERT Academy which was launched in April 2018) as the University’s academic development centre. Its remit is to support the professional development of all those who teach through the provision of award-bearing and accredited courses, workshops, and special projects. In the current academic year CELT’s academic and learning technology staff are focussing on:

  1. building on the success of UWL Flex, so it is catch up to face-to-face teaching on campus.
  2. building on the success of the peer observation of the teaching scheme
  3. and continuing to support the new course approval process by offering Workshop 1 to course teams

Attendance at Workshop 1 is compulsory for all staff involved in course (re)approval and for those who design or manage courses VLE sites. All modules will have a new Ultra site that aligns with the learning, teaching, and assessment strategy, the assessment policy, and the UWL pedagogy which is UWL Flex. Relevant documents are available via the Teaching Hub.

Although the contents of this site are targeted at UWL staff and those of its partners, we hope others will find it interesting too.