What is Advance UWL and who is it for?

The University is committed to supporting the professional development of its staff. For those with teaching and leadership responsibilities in relation to student engagement and success, you are required to obtain recognition through the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF), and to maintain your recognition through ongoing engagement in continuing professional development (CPD). Professional staff with substantial responsibilities to support student learning may also obtain recognition and are encouraged to do so.

Staff with three or more years of experience in teaching or supporting learning in Higher Education can apply for recognition through our Advance UWL programme, which is accredited by Advance HE and confers recognition for all four standards – Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior Fellow, and Principal Fellow of the HEA, all of which are recognised worldwide.

Staff with less than three years of teaching may be required to complete the Academic Professional Apprenticeship or may wish to consider our Online PGCert in Professional Academic Practice. 

How do I apply?

For an overview of the Advance UWL process, please have a look at our Advance UWL Flowchart (.pdf):

    1. Complete the Advance HE Fellowship Category Tool.
      This will help you to ensure that you are applying for the correct standard. You should also print a copy of your results (categories and dimensions).
    2. Self-enrol on the Programme’s “Advance UWL” Blackboard Course (PDF) which contains
      • General information for applicants
      • Anonymised, donated exemplars
      • Information on workshops to help you get ready for submission
      • Submission dates for upcoming panels
      • Application forms
      • Referees/Advocates guidance and forms
    3. Attend the “Introduction to Advance UWL for your fellowship application” session.
      To find out when the next upcoming session is and to book your place, visit our Eventbrite page.

You need to submit your application within 1 year of attending the “Introduction to Advance UWL for your fellowship application” workshop.

Not a member of UWL staff?

Please enquire if you are a member of one of our academic partner institutions. You may be able to complete the programme. Other external participants may be able to engage with the scheme but will have to pay a fee (which would cover that due to Advance HE to gain access to their register). Staff with teaching qualifications not aligned to the UKPSF are encouraged to engage with the programme to update their qualifications.

If you have any questions, please contact the Centre for Enhancement in Learning and Teaching (CELT) (CELT@uwl.ac.uk).