Addressing the barriers to student success is part of UWL’s strategic goal.

The Guides for Success is an updated study pack of the Practical Recipes for Student Success that has been developed to meet the needs of UWL students. Feedback received from UWL academics made the guides even more inclusive.

The guides for success contribute to an inclusive education and active learning. They are simple and easy to be deployed into class and online, and they force students to ‘review and reflect’ on their study skills.  You are encouraged to use any of the guides which are relevant to your module(s).

The 8 guides and the operational manual are currently only available to UWL staff. All Guides (UWL login required).


Operational Manual

The Guides for Success Operational Manual (UWL Login required) provides information about the guides and recommendations on where to use them.


Fit to Submit: Coursework Checklist

The Fit to Submit: Coursework Checklist (UWL login required) has been developed to help your students to work through their assessment in order to avoid common mistakes. You can direct your students to this paper and deliver it along with the Understanding the Assessment guide (below) as a formative activity. You can deliver this paper in assessment-related seminars or workshops, drop-in sessions or other relevant sessions.

This guide is included in the Assessment area of each Blackboard course as part of the standard Blackboard Module Template


Fit to Sit

The Fit to Sit guide (UWL Login required) has been developed to help your students to be well-prepared for their exams. It provides top tips for exam preparation, during the exam and reflection for future exams. You can deliver this paper in any revision and exam seminars or workshops, drop-in sessions or other relevant sessions.

This guide is included in the Assessment area of each Blackboard course as part of the standard Blackboard Module Template


Understanding the Assessment

This formative activity has been designed to help students receive sufficient advice and guidance, and encourage a self-directed and reflective learning by allowing them to reflect on their own learning, skills and abilities. You are encouraged to deliver this activity in any assessment-related seminars or workshops, and along with the Fit to Submit guide. Download Understanding the Assessment (UWL Login required).


Improving Academic Writing

The Improving Academic Writing guide (UWL Login required) provides an overview of the main issues student should consider when wring an essay/report, and provides advice on how to approach the process. This guide will help your students to polish their academic writing and better understand the criteria used in marking in terms of academic writing. You can deliver this paper in any module related to academic writing and study skills, and during assessment-related and drop-in sessions.


Plagiarism: A Guide for Students

Plagiarism: A Guide for Students (UWL Login required) has been developed to help students understand the importance of plagiarism. It provides a definition of plagiarism and explains to students the importance of compliance when producing work for submission. You can deliver this paper in any module related to academic writing and study skills, and during assessment-related and drop-in sessions. You are encourage to deliver this paper along with the Fit to Submit, Understanding the Assessment and Improving Academic Writing guides.


Study Skills for Successful Students

The Study Skills for Successful Students guide (UWL Login required) has been developed to help students to develop their study skills. It shows an outline of key skills which are displayed by successful students and encourages them to reflect on their own strengths and areas they want to improve for PDP. It is a useful tool for your students to help them reflect on their own skills and set goals for their professional development. You can deliver this paper in any PDP module and sessions that aim to improve students’ personal and professional development. Personal Tutors are encouraged to use this guide along with the PRACTICE Model of coaching with their tutees.


Understanding your Students

Understanding you Students (UWL Login required) has been developed to help you understand the levels of academic anxieties and concerns your students may have, causing them to perform poorly, fail or withdraw; and encourages discussion around common anxieties, academic and personal concerns. This paper is an excellent tool to be delivered as an ice-breaker activity. Personal Tutors are encouraged to use this guide to get to know their tutees better in order to provide all useful information and support the student may needs.


Improving Students Confidence

The Improving Students Confidence guide (UWL Login required) provides top tips to encourage your students to build their confidence. You can deliver this paper in any module that you feel that is relevant or as an ice-breaker activity. It would be useful if you deliver this paper along with the discussion of the Undertaking your Students summary report or along with the Study Skills for Successful Students paper.


Resources to share with your students

The two films below – targeting level 3-4 and level 5 – encourage students to make the most of the career preparation support that is available to them at UWL, whilst also introducing the concept of Graduate Outcomes. Use these videos during your lectures when appropriate.