- BY.B1.011 – Processing Room
- BY.B1.010 – Main darkroom
Contact – Daniel Silas / Simon Hanna
Opening Hours*
Be aware that timetabled bookings can be scheduled from Monday to Friday. Please see individual timetables posted outside room for further information. Filters for printing must be booked through The Distribution Room SiSo booking system (please see ‘How to book equipment, rooms and key facilities’ section).
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5.00pm
Weekends Closed
General Information
- Film and Photographic Paper is available at a reduced rate in The Distribution Room (BY.01.015).
- Black and White processing and printing only is available from 35mm to 10×8
- Alternative processes are possible but under strict supervision of the technician and after a health and safety audit.
Essential kit
- Film (available from The Distribution Room).
- Multi grade resin coated paper (available from The Distribution Room).
- Apron
- A notebook and pen
Code of conduct / Terms of use
For specific code of conduct and terms of use please see induction information. General terms of use for these rooms are as follows:
- These rooms cannot be used by students until they have completed an induction, which is normally completed in the first weeks of term. Please see contact technician if you require induction.
- Please don’t wear your best clothes when using this facility, often materials spill or stain.
- Health and Safety guidance should be followed at all times.
- No food and drink allowed in the Darkroom
- Always carry a charged phone and preferably work in pairs in the darkroom.
Photography Course – Technical Workshops – Semester Two 2020 link: