- BY.01.006 – Large Studio
- BY.01.008 – Store Room (Staff Only)
Contact – Simon Hanna or Daniel Silas
Opening Hours*
In order to book and use the photography studios you must have first completed the Studio Induction Training. This can be arranged via Course Leaders, or emailing Simon Hanna or Daniel Silas directly.
Studio sessions can then be booked for the morning or the afternoon Monday to Friday.
Morning: 9am – 1pm
Afternoon: 2pm – 5pm
Studio bookings can be made through SiSo, where you can also book cameras and complete your risk assessment for approval. (See guidance on this website). Further advice on booking facilities can be found in the Distribution Room (BY.01.015).
For bookings outside of normal hours (evening, weekend or extended periods) please email Simon Hanna outlining your requirements, and we will endeavour to support this where possible.
Students should work in pairs as a minimum to encourage professional practice and safety.
Helpful Tips
- Risk Assessments must be completed and approved to enable a studio/equipment booking to be confirmed. Allow adequate time for approval please.
- If you are unsure of anything, please seek help from a Simon Hanna/ Technical Demonstrator.
- You are liable for a fine if you are late returning the keys to The Distribution Room.
- Complete a Guest Authorisation Form (available from The Distro Room, Studios and also on this website) and get a staff signature for authorisation of guest/ visitors (non students or staff at UWL).
- The studio, and its contents are the responsibility of the person making the booking; please thoroughly inspect the studio to ensure it is in the correct condition.
- Fire exits are to be kept clear at all times and no one to lock anyone in the studio.
Essential kit
You will be given advice in the introductory workshops regarding recommended equipment and workflow for your shoots. This includes card readers, cameras and hard-drives. It is advisable to loan equipment from The Distribution Room and seek advice from the Photo staff before purchasing expensive equipment.
Code of conduct / Terms of use
For specific code of conduct and terms of use please see induction information. General terms of use for these rooms are as follows:
- No food and drink allowed in the Studios.
- No lone working.
- No one should be locked inside the rooms.
- Students must not use ladders, or climb on objects to work overhead/at height.