Guide: How to create Discussion forums
Time to read: 15 ~ 30 Minutes
Operating System: Windows/Mac Computer
Web Browser: Google Chrome (recommended)

Table of Contents

Note: A discussion board is a list of all of the forums you have in a module, whereas a discussion forum is a forum/space to have a specific discussion on a topic or question.

Discussion forums are an excellent tool to facilitate online learning. Discussion forums allow you to:

You can use discussions for these tasks:

  • Meet with your peers for collaboration and social interaction.
  • Pose questions about homework assignments, readings, and course content.
  • Demonstrate your understanding or application of course material.

The below guides will help you set up discussion forums:

1- Create a discussion board

A discussion board displays all the discussion forums in a given module. To link to the discussion board, go to content area you want to add the discussion board, click ‘Tools’ and ‘Discussions’.

step 1

Click ‘Link to Discussion Board Page’ (we look at linking to forums later). Click ‘Next’

step 2

Change the name from the default ‘Discussion board’ if you wish. Make it available and track number of views. Click submit.

step 3

The discussion board is now avaliable

step 4

2- Create a discussion forum

You can create and link to specific forums for specific activities. To create a new forum go to the discussion board and click ‘Create forum’

Enter the name of the forum, a description and make it avaliable.

Adjust the settings below for your needs, and click ‘Submit’

The forum is now ready to be used.

Click into a forum and post a message.

step 10

3- Link to a discussion forum directly

From your chosen content area, click ‘Tools’, ‘Discussion Board’.

step 1

Select a Discussion Board Forum, if you have created a forum already you can link from here (3b) or create new forum (red arrow), then click ‘Next’

step 1

Type a name and description, make it available and track number of views. Click ‘Submit’.

step 2

The forum is ready to be used


You can found further guides on:

Managing forums

Replying to discussion posts

Viewing discussion grades

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