A very productive meeting! We talked about various types of open online resources: from where to find them to how to make sure we are not in breach of copyright when using online images and resources.
Joe Turi (INSTIL) kindly gave us a brief demonstration of Xerte: a free online tool for developing learning objects, available to all UWL staff (email tel@uwl.ac.uk for further guidance). The University of Nottingham created this resource to show the types of objects that can be developed with Xerte.
Jemima Jarman (Library) mentioned tools available to UWL students that can help them with their studies. The referencing tool RefWorks proves to be very popular and lecturers have noticed considerable improvement in students’ referencing skills.
We also discussed some aspects of copyright and use of online materials for academic purposes, and how Creative Commons licenses can allow work to be shared and reused. Understanding Creative Commons Licences by Antony Coombs on the University of Sussex’s TEL blog provides a good explanation of the different licences and acceptable use.
The interactive board below (which we created for free with Padlet) collates links to various useful resources: feel free to explore them and add yours (just double click anywhere on the Padlet).