Recording Indicator Lights
All UWL Replay classrooms have been fitted with recording indicator lights which show whether the system is recording, paused or off. New signs in the rooms and on the PC desktop explain what each colour means.
New Guidance
There is new guidance for students on how to get the most from UWL Replay. It provides suggestions on appropriate ways to use it and reinforces the message that UWL Replay is for reviewing, not an alternative to attendance. Students need direction on this so please promote this guidance to students in class as they are unlikely to be directed to it via other channels.
2019-20 Semester 1 Recordings
The Semester 1 automated lecture recordings are being scheduled and will start on Monday 23 September. All teaching sessions listed as lectures in the UWL timetabling system will be set to record and to publish to the corresponding Blackboard course. You can control these recordings as follows:
- In the classroom use the keyboard controls to pause, re-start and stop recordings. For example, during discussions.
- Use the settings in Panopto to control when recordings publish and to make edits if needed.
The University encourages all staff to participate in lecture recording. There are good reasons not to record every element of a teaching session and staff are encouraged to use the the pause function (F9 on keyboard) where needed e.g. for sensitive topics or discussions. There is a updated opt-out process below.
Updated Policy & Process
The University has updated the UWL Replay policy this year. The new policy has been approved by the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee (LTAC) and was presented to Academic Board for final approval in September 2018. It is available on the Classroom Recordings page. There are two key changes to the policy:
- Retention of recordings – lecture recordings will be kept and made available to students for the same period of time as their Blackboard courses, the current academic year and previous 4-years.
- Opt-out – the blanket module opt-out has been removed. The new policy is an opt-out for individuals and relates to ‘performance rights’. In order to share recordings with students staff must temporarily assign their performance rights to the university. Staff who are not willing to assign performance rights temporarily must follow the opt-out process.