Last update: 17 June 2022.


When the following issues occur in a Turnitin assignment, students may be unable to access their submissions, grades, and or feedback, may not be able to access the submission link to submit their assignments, and as an instructor, you may not be able to see some of the students and/or their submitted work for grading.

  1. Students are dropped out of a class as seen in the image below. This will result in their inability to submit their assignments, and view their submissions, grades, and or feedback.
  2. Some students are missing from the Turnitin submissions inbox. For instance, you have 50 students in a module, but only 30 show up in the Turnitin submissions inbox.
  3. Some submissions made by students are not visible in the Turnitin submissions inbox.

To resolve these issues, you need to perform one roster sync on the affected assignment.

Student dropped out of class in Turnitin - error message      Where to find roster synce in a Turnitin assignment