Show & Tel main

This term’s Show & TEL afternoon inspired colleagues from across the University to try new approaches in their teaching.  Five UWL lecturers presented examples of real practice which can be adopted by anyone.

“These sessions are really helpful for people like me who have not been brought up with technology and are afraid!”

Watch on demand with UWL Replay

March’s event was recorded using the University’s lecture capture service, UWL Replay.  UWL staff can watch the presentations on demand from the Show & TEL Community in Blackboard.

This term’s topics were:

  1. Creating an interactive class environment using Poll Everywhere
  2. Using video screen capture to provide improved student feedback
  3. Creating an external examiner dashboard in Blackboard
  4. Video assessments for group presentations
  5. Going further with online marking

1. Creating an interactive class environment using Poll Everywhere

Madhini Sivasubramanian, College of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare

Madhini shared how she’s transformed her lectures by incorporating interactive question slides into them. Using Poll Everywhere, students respond to questions with their mobile device and responses are displayed live on screen.

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Madhini’s lectures require prior knowledge, but she realised that she couldn’t always assume this. Using Poll Everywhere Madhini now does a quick diagnostic check before each new topic to assess students’ knowledge and adapts her teaching accordingly. The result has been an enthusiastic and lively class full of discussion about the topic, with students striving for the correct answers.

Want to use Poll Everywhere in your teaching sessions?

Poll Everywhere is available to all UWL staff.  Request an account or learn more about using it in your teaching at a workshop.  Email for further information.


2. Using video screen capture to provide improved student feedback

Gavin Meng-Lewis, Ealing School of Art, Design and Media

Gavin showed how he’s providing verbal feedback on video assignments.  Gavin watches the student’s work and speaks over it with his feedback for a maximum of five minutes. The video (assignment) and audio (feedback) are recorded together using UWL’s Panopto software. He found that you can include more feedback in less time, and you can pinpoint exactly what you are giving feedback on.

Students have responded positively, thanking Gavin for his feedback: a first. They also commented that this approach helped them to improve their work more than written feedback.

Want to use Panopto to give your students audio feedback?

Contact to have the software installed on your PC.


3. Creating an external examiner dashboard in Blackboard

Janet Rowson, London School of Hospitality and Tourism

Janet introduced this approach to make life easier for external examiners.  Each Blackboard module has a folder for the external examiner containing:

  • instructions
  • the module study guide
  • access to provisional grades and a sample of marked work (in a customised view of the grade centre)
  • the feedback provided to the cohort
  • an internal moderation report

There has been positive feedback from the external examiner who appreciated being able to find materials easily and quickly.

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4. Video assessments for group presentations

Tejinder Singh, The Claude Littner Business School

Tejinder showed the approach he’s used to enable students to submit video assignments. Students used their own equipment to create their videos which were then uploaded to YouTube and submitted on Blackboard by sharing the link. Feedback was then given to each group, and second marking was made easy.


5. Going further with online marking

Joanne Tucker and Antoinette Urwick, London School of Hospitality and Tourism

Joanne and Antoinette shared their approach to online marking with 380 students and eight markers. To improve marking consistency, a standard set of QuickMarks was created and shared. The QuickMarks were linked to the marking grid which helped students understand their feedback.

Analysis of the use of QuickMarks showed clear patterns highlighting where students needed further guidance as well as where differences between markers could be addressed in the future.


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Want to get involved?

Each term, INSTIL organises a Show & TEL afternoon for staff to hear how their peers are using technology in their learning and teaching practice. If you’d like to share what you’re doing with your colleagues by presenting for five minutes we’d love to hear from you!  Please get in touch:

Author: Anna Armstrong is an Academic Developer in Technology-Enhanced Learning at the University of West London.