The Grade Centre should be used to record all coursework assessments (not exams). This is part of the UWL Blackboard Baseline.

The Grade Centre contains columns for all built-in Blackboard assessments including Turnitin. These columns are created automatically. You can create manual columns to record the grades and feedback of assessments completed outside of Blackboard.

  • Access the Grade Centre from the Course Management menu


Adding Manual Columns to the Grade Centre

Create manual columns to record coursework completed outside of Blackboard. This includes other online assessments such as a CampusPress website and offline assessments such as a performance.

See Manually created grade columns on Grade Columns on the official Blackboard Help website.


Recording Grades and Feedback in a Manual Column

To record the grade and feedback go to View Grade Details. See Assign a grade on the Grade Details on Assign Grades on the official Blackboard Help website.


Grade Centre Totals

Grade Centre Totals including weighted totals should not be displayed to Students. These are made available to students in My Registry. Blackboard Grade Centre should only display the marks for individual coursework assessments.


Further Help

See Grading on the official Blackboard Help website