Turnitin assignments should be created in the appropriate Assessment Folder within the Assessments area of your Blackboard course. See Blackboard Baseline and Template.
How to set-up a Turnitin Assignment
On the appropriate Assessment page select Assessments > Turnitin Assignments. Step-by-step instructions are available on the official Turnitin website: Creating a Paper Assignment (start at step 4.) Please use the following settings.
UWL Required & Recommended Settings
These settings are recommended but optional, unless marked REQUIRED.
Title: use the official assessment number and the assessment title. e.g. ‘Assessment 1: Project’ REQUIRED
Point value: 100
Start Date: use the default (today’s date)
Due date: the official due date
Post date: 15-working days after the Due date (Grades and Feedback are made available on the due date) REQUIRED
Allow submissions after the due date? Yes
Generate Similarity Reports for Submissions? Yes REQUIRED
Generate Similarity Reports for Student Submissions immediately (can overwrite reports until due date) REQUIRED
Exclude bibliographic materials / quoted materials / small sources No
Allow students to see Similarity Reports? Yes REQUIRED
Enable Anonymous Marking Yes
Naming Assessments
Label Turnitin assignments clearly with the Assessment number and title. Personal data (such as student names or numbers) must never be used to label Turnitin assignments, for reasons of data privacy.
Video Guide
Note that this video uses an old version of the UWL Template: