ExPERT Academy activity

Announcing a new book by Lesley-Jane Eales-Reynolds (Director of the ExPERT Academy) and Olwyn MR Westwood ‘Teaching Excellence in Higher Education: Lessons from the TEF’ which provides an analysis of the institutional statements of the Year 2 TEF pilot. The book aims to provide readers with an overview of how the process works and to explore what is happening in the sector with regards to ensuring teaching excellence and assuring student success.

It also highlights examples of innovative or interesting activities, using direct quotes from institutional statements to provide contextual evidence. Self-published through Kindle Direct Publishing, Kindle versions are available from: (royalties are being donated to charity). For those without Kindle, you can obtain a .pdf copy through Researchgate

RAISE Conference

The RAISE Annual Conference focuses on student engagement in Higher Education. The 2018 conference is themed around Celebrating our Collaborative Approaches to Student Engagement. It features over 100 contributions from international researchers, practitioners, students and theorists.

It’s at Sheffield Hallam University, 5-7 September 2018. Further details:

Recommended Reading

The 7 Things You Should Know About… series from the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) provides concise information on emerging learning technologies.

This month’s ‘7 Things’ is focused on Open Education Practices. See: