- Preparing your Blackboard course for UWL Replay
- Adding lecture recordings into your Blackboard teaching materials
Preparing your Blackboard course for UWL Replay
Go to UWL Replay Recordings in your module navigation:
Select Configure
Select Add Course to Panopto
Select your module then select Submit
Adding lecture recordings into your Blackboard teaching materials
This is only required for modules taught in UWL Replay rooms.
The UWL Replay policy states that ’Recordings will be made available within a reasonable period of time, normally within three days of the lecture’. A link to all recordings for a module will automatically be added to your Blackboard module if you are timetabled in a UWL Replay room. Adding additional links to individual recordings in the appropriate folders within the Learning Material area is also recommended so that students have easy access to the recordings alongside the related material.
Adding your lecture recordings into your learning materials area in Blackboard